Adding Support for 3rd Party ACF Field Type

Last Upated: Tuesday, Jan 23, 2024

This guide provides developers with information on how to add support for custom Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) field types in the WPGraphQL schema using the WPGraphQL for ACF plugin.

Initial Setup

  1. Plugin Installation: Ensure WPGraphQL and WPGraphQL for ACF are active in your WordPress environment. For detailed installation and activation instructions, visit the Installation and Activation guide.

Registering Custom ACF Field Types

  1. Basic Registration: Use the register_graphql_acf_field_type function to map an ACF Field Type to WPGraphQL. For instance, registering a field as a "String" can be done with:
   add_action( 'wpgraphql/acf/registry_init', function() {
       register_graphql_acf_field_type( 'your_custom_field_type' );
  1. Custom GraphQL Types: To customize the GraphQL type for a custom ACF field, pass a $config array as the second argument. For example, to set the type to 'Int':
           'graphql_type' => static function () {
               return 'Int';
  1. Custom Resolvers: Implement custom resolvers by adding a 'resolve' function in the $config array. This is useful for overriding default resolver behavior. Here's an example:
           'graphql_type' => [ 'list_of' => 'String' ],
           'resolve'      => static function ( $root, $args, $context, $info, $field_type, $field_config ) {
               // Custom resolver logic here

Verifying and Debugging

  1. Verification: After registering a custom ACF Field Type, verify its functionality by creating a new field group or adding it to an existing group, then use the GraphiQL IDE to ensure the field appears in the schema and returns data correctly.
  2. Debugging: If issues arise, consult the debugging guides at WPGraphQL for ACF Debugging and WPGraphQL Debugging.

Best Practices and Security

  1. Best Practices:
  • Consider the "graph" nature of the API. If data stored is an ID for another object, prefer returning the Object Type instead of an Integer.
  • Use WPGraphQL Model and Loader functions to secure sensitive data and ensure proper permissions are enforced. Example: For an ACF Field storing an unpublished post's ID, ensure checks are in place to prevent unauthorized access to the unpublished content.

Advanced Usage

Excluding Admin Fields

The register_graphql_acf_field_type function allows for the exclusion of certain admin fields from appearing under the "GraphQL" tab in the field settings. This can be achieved by using the exclude_admin_fields key.


To exclude specific settings fields from the GraphQL tab of the Field Type settings in the ACF user interface, you can pass them as an array:

        'exclude_admin_fields' => [ 'graphql_non_null' ],
        // Other configuration options...

Registering New Admin Fields

You can also register new admin fields to appear under the "GraphQL" tab. This is done using the admin_fields key.


To add new admin fields, define them in an array and pass it to the function:

        'admin_fields' => static function ( $admin_fields, $field, $config, WPGraphQLAcfAdminSettings $settings ): array {
            // Define new admin fields here...
        // Other configuration options...

These advanced features of register_graphql_acf_field_type provide more control and customization over how ACF fields interact with the WPGraphQL schema. By understanding and utilizing these options, developers can better tailor the GraphQL API to meet specific project requirements.


This guide assists developers in extending the WPGraphQL schema with custom ACF field types, ensuring a secure, efficient, and seamless integration within the WordPress ecosystem.

For examples of the register_graphql_acf_field_type API in action, you can browse the code to see how custom field types provided by Advanced Custom Fields Extended are supported by WPGraphQL for ACF: