
Last Upated: Thursday, Feb 1, 2024


The Taxonomy field is a field native to ACF (free) that allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms.

Resolve Type

Fields of the taxonomy field type resolve to a "AcfTermNodeConnection" in the GraphQL Schema. This supports singular and multiple selections, as a connection can return either one, or more than one values.

Field Settings


Impact on WPGraphQL not yet documented

Selection Restrictions (max)

This setting modifies editorial behavior in the admin and does not impact the GraphQL Schema or GraphQL resolvers.

Set as Global Conditional Logic

This is a presentational field in the WordPress admin and has no impact on the GraphQL Schema or GraphQL resolvers.

Wrapper Attributes

This is a presentational field in the WordPress admin and has no impact on the GraphQL Schema or GraphQL resolvers.

Selection Restrictions (min)

This setting modifies editorial behavior in the admin and does not impact the GraphQL Schema or GraphQL resolvers.

Return Value

The Return Value / Return Format setting does not impact WPGraphQL resolution. 

WPGraphQL will return as rich of objects as possible, and the client can chose which fields should be asked for. 

For example, an Image Field can return an ID, an Object or an Array, but in WPGraphQL the image field will always return a connection to a MediaItem and the client can chose to ask for just the ID or any other properties.

Show in GraphQL

Checking this will expose the field to the GraphQL Schema. 

NOTE: If a field is added to the GraphQL Schema, then later removed from the Schema, this is considered a breaking change as client applications that were querying for the field would be breaking once it’s been removed from the Schema.

GraphQL Description

The description of the field that is returned when using Schema Introspection queries, used by tools such as the GraphiQL IDE.

GraphQL Field Name

The name of the field in the GraphQL Schema. The name must be unique to the Field Group (i.e. there cannot be 2 fields in one ACF Field Group with the same “GraphQL Field Name”, including when using Clone Fields). 

Field Name

This is the name that is used to store field data in meta tables. The name will not affect the GraphQL Schema, but if the name is changed after data is already saved, it might impact resolution of the previously stored data. Changing the field name could negatively impact the GraphQL experience.

Field Label

This field is presentational for the WordPress admin and will not impact the GraphQL Schema.


The “required” setting on an ACF Field does not directly impact the WPGraphQL Schema. While it might seem like setting an ACF Field to “required” should enforce the field to be a “Non Null” field in the GraphQL Schema, we believe this would be a mistake. Setting a field in the GraphQL Schema as “NonNull” will return errors if no data is present to be returned. Since the “required” setting can be toggled “on” on an ACF Field long after content already exists with no data for the field, this would cause errors to be returned for older content, and we believe this to be unexpected behavior. Instead of tying “GraphQL Non Null” to the ACF “Required” setting, we’ve provided a “GraphQL: NonNull” setting where you can explicitly opt-in to a field being “Non Null” in the Schema.


Impact on WPGraphQL not yet documented

Allow Null?

This setting modifies editorial behavior in the admin and does not impact the GraphQL Schema or GraphQL resolvers.

Create Terms

This setting modifies editorial behavior in the admin and does not impact the GraphQL Schema or GraphQL resolvers.

Save Terms

This setting modifies editorial behavior in the admin and does not impact the GraphQL Schema or GraphQL resolvers.


This field is used to tell people in the WordPress admin how to use the field. If a “GraphQL Description” is not provided for a field, the “instructions” will be used as a fallback in GraphQL Introspection queries, used in tools such as the GraphiQL IDE.

Load Terms

This setting modifies editorial behavior in the admin and does not impact the GraphQL Schema or GraphQL resolvers.

Conditional Logic

Conditional Logic should not impact the GraphQL Schema. Fields that are conditionally available in the admin should always be available in the Schema. The data that is resolved for a field might be impacted by conditional logic.


This is a presentational field in the WordPress admin and has no impact on the GraphQL Schema or GraphQL resolvers.

Field Configuration

Querying the Taxonomy Field field